Friday, June 8, 2007

Good Morning Larry!!!

Today I'm in Washington, D.C. staying at The Ritz Carlton. How I ended up here is a long story. Nonetheless, this is good living. You just can't beat the service. Everything you hear about The Ritz Carlton is true. If you ever get the opportunity to spend a day or two at The Ritz,.....Do It!

The first thing we did when we arrived was to get settled in and then we ordered room service. The prices really weren't that expensive, but what the heck, you only live once, right?

Man, you should have seen me parading around my suite in an official Ritz Carlton bath robe. Wow!

Yesterday, while my wife, Barb was in a business conference, my son, Tristan and I went exploring the nation's capital.

We had a blast visiting the White House and the Washington Monument. I will remember to wear more comfortable shoes the next time I tackle a big city on foot. Anyway, we crammed a lot into one afternoon and spending all this time with my son is priceless.

Earlier today, while we were heading out for breakfast, we bumped into Larry King. (Yeah, the guy with the suspenders on CNN.) I was surprised to see him there in the lobby of my hotel, but then I remembered that it was the Ritz Carlton.

I guess Larry hangs out there quite a bit. He was kicked back on a sofa and carrying on a serious conversation with a couple of gentlemen. In passing, I said "Good morning, Larry" and good ol' Larry King replied, "Good morning"....and that was all there was to it. I just kept walking and Larry kept talking.

Now that I think about it, I don't think Larry King has ever seen me on TV.

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