Friday, October 5, 2007

Banana Jack Murphy Productions LLC Purchases WLSC

For months, I've been keeping readers of this blog in the dark. Well, no more! On Wednesday afternoon (October 3, 2007) an application was filed with the FCC. My company is in the process of purchasing WLSC 1240 AM in Loris, SC from J.A.R.C. Broadcasting.

I will not take over operations of the radio station until the FCC approves the transaction, but I can tell you that new offices and studios are under construction in downtown Loris.

The official press release was to go out on Monday, but The Sun News here in Myrtle Beach, acting on a tip broke the story. I spoke with Lisa Fleisher, a reporter for The Sun News just minutes after the story first appeared online at You can check out the story for yourself.

Over the past 2 1/2 hours, I have spoken with other members of the media, but my hat is off to The Sun News for scooping everyone including me. They got the word out before I could even get the story up on this blog. Man, news sure travels fast. Stay tuned for more details.


cajucangj said...

Congrats..seems like yesterday we were in birthing class right?? Be great and take care of that back

Van said...

Well, Nan'r, you were truly missed on the Grand Strand radio scene. Can't wait to have you back.