Sunday, May 23, 2010

Classic Movies, Vintage TV Shows and Live Events - Coming Soon

I've dabbled with video on the internet for the last couple of years. I still remember getting excited over webcam images that rereshed every 15 seconds. Well, to quote the old cigarette ad, "You've come a long way, baby."

Wow. I've seen great video through both LiveStream and UStream. Currently, my colleagues at Q Rock are using LiveStream. I decided to give UStream a shot. BINGO!

I was blown away by the quality and my cameras are not the best on the market. In fact, I'm operating on a shoestring budget, but it works. It works really well.

So, after testing several software products, I discovered that I could start broadcasting a lot more than just what was captured by my studio cameras.

This week, I've started broadcasting archived video from my personal collection. I have a ton of public domain movies and classic television shows from yesteryear.

The video is not perfect, but it's close. You can still enjoy our broadcasts without getting twisted out of synch over an occasional slight rebuffering.

So, tune in for the next few weeks. You'll see some really strange things happening on the website (, but as I tell so many who keep asking me, "What are you doing?"

I can only reply, "Stay Tuned!"

WLSC Tiger Radio will be featuring classic movies, vintage tv shows and boy, I can't wait for those live events.

Radio has been doing live remotes forever, but I promise you that WLSC will be the first to do a live video remote.

I'm ready to start tomorrow!

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