Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Tiger TV is On The Air!

Today, we launched Tiger TV. Actually, we launched Tiger TV with archived video a few weeks ago. Nonetheless, having live streaming video is a nice addition to our website.

It's really cool having folks check out the video, but cameras in the studio are going to take some getting used too.

Although, this is a tremendous tool for marketing the station. Tiger Radio is poised to offer new promtional and marketing ideas for our existing and new advertisers.

In today's climate, you have to provide value for your sponsors. That's always been my stance, even when times were good.

For now, we're broadcasting my afternoon show every weekday afternoon. We're also broadcasting a traffic cam at the intersection of Main Street and Broad Street in downtown Loris. (That's one busy intersection.)

Smile as you drive by. You never know who's watching.

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